Every Minute Counts: Accelerated Bridge Construction in the Fast Lane

By Jim Washabaugh, Sales Manager
Northern Concrete Pipe Inc.

The new precast concrete box culvert/bridge on Michigan’s M-142 over Phillip Drain exemplifies Accelerated Precast Construction (APC) to quickly replace culverts and small bridges in ways emulating ABC (Accelerated Bridge Construction). The award-winning M-142 project in 2014 called for removal of the existing bridge, installation  of a cofferdam with sheet piling, installation of a 48-foot long by 24-foot wide by 12-foot tall precast concrete box structure, all associated end treatment, and all associated road reconstruction. The project had a completion date of 14 days, regardless of the weather. Minimizing user delays and traffic disruption were a priority for MDOT, as M-142 is the major artery in the area. Another consideration was the Huron County Fair that was scheduled for July 27. The contractor guaranteed that the road would be open to the 1000s hoping to attend the annual fair.

To read more click here.

This is a demonstration of the comparative flammability of polypropylene pipe (PP), reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), and high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE). Dry hay is ignited in three 18 in. by 18 in. pipes and allowed to burn. This is an unedited test conducted on October 21, 2015.