(StormWaterSolutions.com) – ACPA reviews recent progress, strategic plan for coming year at annual meeting

Three full days of planning sessions, committee meetings and networking activities were on tap as more than 125 leaders of the North American precast concrete pipe and box culvert industry gathered at the 106th Annual Convention of the American Concrete Pipe Assn. (ACPA), March 23 to 25, at the Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas. The convention featured the election of a new chairman, awards for top plants and individuals and a full slate of committee updates

Rick Traylor, vice chairman of Rinker Materials – Concrete Pipe Division CEMEX in Houston, was elected ACPA chairman of the board for a one-year term, taking the helm from Bill Adams of Hancock Concrete Products in Sibley, Iowa. New members of the ACPA Executive Committee were also elected.

ACPA President Matt Childs and his staff reported on the association’s activities at the regional and national levels over the past year, as well as its strategic plan for the year ahead. The ACPA’s Annual General Meeting was conducted, along with updates from the AASHTO Task Group and each of the association’s committees, including marketing, technical, education, manufacturing/quality, government relations and safety.

Monday’s luncheon honored the memory of Past Chairman Tom Wheelan, and a silent auction was organized to raise funds for the Tom Wheelan Memorial Fund, which is run out of the ACPA Education & Research Foundation.

Link to article.

This is a demonstration of the comparative flammability of polypropylene pipe (PP), reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), and high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE). Dry hay is ignited in three 18 in. by 18 in. pipes and allowed to burn. This is an unedited test conducted on October 21, 2015.