(Concrete Products.com) – More than 400 engineers, executives, owners and allied professionals from the North American concrete drainage products segment will gather for the inaugural ACPA Pipe Show, staged concurrently with the association’s 2016 Pipe School, January 4–7 at the University of Texas at Arlington.

“We’ve long known there was a growing need and desire in the concrete pipe industry for a show all our own, and with the help of UTA and many of our members, I’m pleased to announce that we are ready,” says ACPA President Matt Childs. “The 2016 Pipe Show will be the perfect time for leaders of our industry to meet and do business with vendors, partners and other organizations whose business interests are closely aligned.”

The ACPA Pipe Show will be a true “turnkey” event, he adds, as exhibitors need only reserve space and be prepared to bring literature and other company materials. Show staff will provide a 10- x 12-ft. booth with black hard walls; curved corners and a custom logo graphic; 6-ft. table with skirt; two padded chairs; plus, food and beverage for booth staff. Double-sized booths are also available. Pipe Show hours will be spread throughout the four-day ACPA Pipe School.

As an added, optional benefit available to booth sponsors only, ACPA is scheduling a “Business-To-Business”(B2B) event on Friday, January 8, affording exhibitors private Arlington Hilton facilities for meetings with senior executives of ACPA producer members. Each B2B participant will be guaranteed five 30-minute meetings. “While the Pipe Show provides an excellent venue for networking with customers and prospects, the ‘Business To Business’ event offers a unique opportunity to conduct private, prearranged meetings between Associate Member exhibitors and senior management from Producer Members,” notes Childs. “The meeting agendas are agreed to in advance of the event to ensure the most productive use of time.”

Booth space at the 2016 ACPA Pipe Show is limited and will be assigned on a first-come basis. Likewise, there is limited B2B program availability. Additional information and space reservations can be obtained from Adam Hochfelder, 214/293-4191; adam.hochfelder@highfieldmarketing.com.

Link to article.

This is a demonstration of the comparative flammability of polypropylene pipe (PP), reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), and high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE). Dry hay is ignited in three 18 in. by 18 in. pipes and allowed to burn. This is an unedited test conducted on October 21, 2015.