Irving, Texas – March 2021 – The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) is pleased to announce Patrick Tarlton as the Texas Concrete Pipe Association’s new Executive Director.  Patrick will represent the Texas Concrete Pipe Association (TCPA) and its mission to promote the benefits and specification of reinforced concrete pipe and box culverts.

Tarlton comes to the Texas Concrete Pipe Association (TCPA) with more than a decade of experience in trade association leadership. In his most recent role as Executive Director of the Texas Deer Association (TDA), Tarlton’s led the large, member-based association in shaping regulatory policy that advanced its members’ interests and allowed them to continue prospering.

“Patrick is a proven leader, and his extensive experience in government relations and public affairs will serve as a tremendous asset to the Texas Concrete Pipe Association and its members,” says ACPA President Doug Dayton. “We’re pleased to welcome Patrick as the spokesperson for the concrete pipe industry in Texas.”

Tarlton’s experience includes managing government affairs for the Texas Chemical Council and American Electric Council in Texas. Additionally, Tarlton’s governmental affairs experience includes serving as Chief of Staff for Texas State Representative Pete P. Gallego.

“I’m excited to join the TCPA and look forward to providing the association with leadership and management that promotes concrete pipe’s many benefits,” says Tarlton. “The concrete pipe industry in Texas has tremendous opportunity for creating sustainable, resilient, disaster-proof infrastructure.”

Press Release