The objective of the ASTM Honors and Awards Program is to recognize the dedication and exemplary effort of ASTM members in regard to the development and promulgation of ASTM Standards and related information.
C13 Chairman’s Award:
John Kallemeyn, Forterra
In recognition and appreciation of active engagement in, and exceptional contributions to, the Committee C13 on Concrete Pipe in the first five years of membership on C13 Committee.
Colonel Robert R. Litehiser Award:
Ryan Pelter, Engineered Wire Products Inc.
In recognition of outstanding service to the C13 Committee in the advancement of standards and test criteria related to concrete pipe.
Merlin G. “Ib” Spangler Award:
Josh Beakley, American Concrete Pipe Association
This award is presented to a Committee C13 member or former member who has performed outstanding technical work in C13 activities.
Frank J. Heger Memorial Award:
Wally Munden, Scurlock Industries of Springfield
This award is presented for distinguished service and dedication to Committee C13.
ASTM Award of Merit:
Mel Marshall, Mel C. Marshall Industrial Consultants Inc.
This is the highest society award granted to an individual member for distinguished service and outstanding participation in ASTM International committee activities.
Outgoing C13 Chairman:
Frederic M. Cash, Cuyahoga Soil Water Conservation District
All the award winners.
From the left: Josh Beakley, Ryan Pelter, Wally Munden, Mel Marshall, John Kallemeyn, Frederic Cash, Jimmy Ferrel (ASTM C13 Staff Manager)