Concrete Pipe News Summer 2017

Boosting ACPA’s social media presence

Facebook is the ACPA’s most active business social media site with 947 LIKES. What does this mean to the ACPA at a time when its leaders are encouraging a greater social media presence?

Liking a page means you’re connecting to that page. Liking a post from the ACPA page means you’re letting the ACPA know you like their post. When you connect to the ACPA page by Liking it, you’ll start to see stories from the ACPA page in your news feed. You will appear on the ACPA page as a person who likes that page.

This is a way to keep current with weekly and sometimes daily interests of the ACPA and its members. By Liking a page and Liking a post on the page, ACPA is able to reach out to the community that the concrete pipe industry serves. Page Likes and Post Likes influence the number of people who see the posts on the ACPA site, and subsequently the success of ACPA’s promotion of the concrete pipe industry on Facebook.

A survey of ACPA’s online media and communications suggests that people on ACPA’s email database tend to look to LinkedIn for information. This site is followed by ACPA’s Facebook site. ACPA has 884 members on its LinkedIn Group for pipelines and pipe and box culverts

If you are on Facebook and have not yet “LIKED” the ACPA page, go to and click on “LIKE.” Help the concrete pipe industry build its social media presence.


This is a demonstration of the comparative flammability of polypropylene pipe (PP), reinforced concrete pipe (RCP), and high density polyethylene pipe (HDPE). Dry hay is ignited in three 18 in. by 18 in. pipes and allowed to burn. This is an unedited test conducted on October 21, 2015.