State Associations

The 2019 ACEC Annual Convention and Legislative Summit was a great success.  ACEC didn’t miss a beat under the leadership of newly appointed President/CEO Linda Bauer. Thanks to her effective staff and a strong representation from member companies, ACEC’s presence was felt in DC.  The Arkansas Chapter – ACEC visited Senators Cotton and Boozman, as well as […]

The Colorado Concrete Pipe Association partnered with other Concrete industry representatives to celebrate Concrete Day at the Capitol. They cooked burgers and hot dogs for Colorado legislators and staff. Governor Polis wrapped up the cookout with remarks about Colorado’s transportation bill passed this session. John Bird (Oldcastle), Brian Schram (Rinker), Jay Hicks (Hicks &Assoc), Stefan […]

Jason Allen, P.E., Director Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association Offering education and PDHs, free lunch, and opportunities for networking and sales, the Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association’s Plant Tours are a win-win for all involved. A survey of their success offers solid business strategies for promoting concrete pipe – as well as nearly any other business. The […]

Members of the Oklahoma Concrete Pipe Association celebrated Concrete Pipe Week at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Governor Fallin signed a Proclamation recognizing Concrete Pipe Week in Oklahoma. Adam Sharpe (Rinker), Steve Duvall (Forterra), Walt Catlett (ACPA) and Diann Wilson (TTAP) visited with Governor Fallin. She appreciated this year’s Concrete Pipe Week poster, which included a […]

The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) celebrates Concrete Pipe Week on August 19-25, 2018.  The Texas Concrete Pipe Association (TCPA) participated by requesting a proclamation and meeting with Texas Governor Abbott.  Look for opportunities where you can learn more about Concrete Pipe and its integral role in our nation’s infrastructure.  Ask any of our members […]

The Arkansas Chapter – ACPA partnered with Arkansas DOT (ArDOT) to conduct the 2017 Annual  Training Day in North Little Rock, AR on November 15, 2017. Personnel from Maintenance, Roadway, State Aid, Roadway, Bridge and Construction Divisions at ArDOT’s Headquarters attended the event, as did personnel from several Districts. Personnel from Scurlock Industries, Forterra Building Products […]

City of Astatula Proclamation Although Concrete Pipe Week is officially this week, some have gotten an early start to recognizing the importance of concrete pipe and its many manufacturers. Concrete Pipe Week is promoted each year by the American Concrete Pipe Association to showcase the significance concrete pipe has in reliable and long-lasting infrastructure. The […]

National Concrete Pipe Week was celebrated August 20 through 26. Arkansas concrete pipe producing companies celebrated by thanking those who make the industry successful with a visit to Governor Hutchinson’s office in the State Capitol. Public agencies and private companies met at Arkansas’ State Capitol to recognize the contributions of the concrete pipe industry to […]

The Texas Concrete Pipe Association (TCPA) is providing a series of four Lunch & Learn Seminars for the TSPE Sabine Chapter in Beaumont from July through September.  On Thursday, July 20th, Beaumont area Engineers and Contractors learned about the TxDOT Standard Inlet and Manhole Program, which provides a unified system for naming, sizes and shapes […]