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Russell Tripp, President American Concrete Pipe Association As we round out 2018 and look to identify trends for 2019, one constant is the strength of the reinforced concrete pipe market. While federal funding is flat, many states are successfully passing increased gas taxes and/or user fees. Furthermore, there are substantial rumors that federal funding on […]

For several years now, the U.S. concrete pipe industry has witnessed a relentless attack on both professional engineers and the authority of local governments to set technical specifications for culvert, water, and wastewater pipes used in taxpayer-funded infrastructure projects. Working together through their industry association, U.S. concrete pipe manufacturers having been fighting back. Our goal […]

Jason Allen, P.E., Director Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association Offering education and PDHs, free lunch, and opportunities for networking and sales, the Mountain States Concrete Pipe Association’s Plant Tours are a win-win for all involved. A survey of their success offers solid business strategies for promoting concrete pipe – as well as nearly any other business. The […]

By: Richard Edgar Hancock Concrete Products LLC The new 14-foot x 14-foot dual precast concrete box culvert on Grand Forks County, ND BRO-0018 (035) replaced a wooden bridge, one of approximately 500+ bridges that are county owned. The new structure raised the existing road elevation to ensure that traffic will not be interrupted from a backed-up […]

Failed thermoplastic or corrugated metal drainage systems, from the wild fires in California to the hurricane damage in Texas and Florida, were identified as the primary cause of many road failures. Unlike concrete, thermoplastic pipes will melt and burn. Based on recent fires in California, damage to a thermoplastic drainage system has extended far beyond […]

The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) applauds the U.S. Congress for including the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) in the final version of the H.R. 302, the “FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018.” The Disaster Recovery Reform Act will shift the U.S. Government’s approach to disaster recovery by placing more emphasis on preparing for disasters and […]

Members of the Oklahoma Concrete Pipe Association celebrated Concrete Pipe Week at the Oklahoma State Capitol. Governor Fallin signed a Proclamation recognizing Concrete Pipe Week in Oklahoma. Adam Sharpe (Rinker), Steve Duvall (Forterra), Walt Catlett (ACPA) and Diann Wilson (TTAP) visited with Governor Fallin. She appreciated this year’s Concrete Pipe Week poster, which included a […]

During his visit to the Forterra Pipe and Precast production facility in Billings, MT on July 20, Montana Senator Jon Tester was fascinated by zero slump concrete. While observing the manufacture of dry‐cast 42‐inch diameter concrete pipe, he observed the pipe retaining its shape upon immediate removal of the mold. It was obvious his questions […]

Please join us in congratulating the Rinker Materials Team in Alexandria LA as they celebrate receiving the 2017 ACPA Chairman’s Quality Award! The Chairman Quality Award started back in 2015. The winners categories are three: Quality Control Innovation, Individual Plant Process, and Company Wide. Each category has three places (Since 2016), and the overall winner is one […]

Purpose: To recognize agencies which have demonstrated creative and innovative accomplishments through projects that have been designed utilizing precast concrete pipe or boxes. Promote public awareness of the activities and contributions of public agencies and the ACPA and its members. Eligibility: Any member agency of AASHTO may enter this Award Program. Agencies and ACPA members […]

The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) celebrates Concrete Pipe Week on August 19-25, 2018.  The Texas Concrete Pipe Association (TCPA) participated by requesting a proclamation and meeting with Texas Governor Abbott.  Look for opportunities where you can learn more about Concrete Pipe and its integral role in our nation’s infrastructure.  Ask any of our members […]

RESILIENT RINGS – A visit with 2018 American Concrete Pipe Association Chairman Mark Omelaniec …Tripp and ACPA members have a seasoned leader in 2018 Chairman Mark Omelaniec, president of British Columbia-based Langley Concrete Group, to convey the “rugged, rigid, resilient” message as part of a campaign promoting engineer knowledge and independence; proper drainage system installation […]

Article by Russell Tripp and Cliff Ohlwiler Published in Issue 3 of Concrete Plant International One of the many advances in the reinforced concrete precast box and manhole production industry is self-consolidating concrete (SCC). SCC is a highly flowable, non-segregating concrete that can flow into place, fill the formwork, and encapsulate the reinforcement without any […]

Concrete pipe and precast box producers work with suppliers to advance the technology of their products to maintain a competitive edge, while suppling rigid products for drainage systems and culverts considered to be critical infrastructure. One of the many advances in precast box and manhole production is self-consolidating concrete (SCC). Introduced to America in 2000, […]

ACPA President, Russell Tripp, P.E. comments on experiential learning and the role of concrete pipe plants in that learning model. Tripp notes that the editorial in the CPI 5-2017 (October) Issue described how concrete pipe producers are accommodating a need for educating specifiers, design engineers, regulators, elected representatives, contractors, and the public about the applied […]

The Rinker Materials Phoenix staff hosted a presentation and plant tour for the FHWA Arizona Division engineering staff on November 28. The group was first provided an hour presentation on RCP design, installation & inspection, highlighted by review of current storm drain spec revisions being considered by Arizona DOT.  They were then briefed on plant […]

The Arkansas Chapter – ACPA partnered with Arkansas DOT (ArDOT) to conduct the 2017 Annual  Training Day in North Little Rock, AR on November 15, 2017. Personnel from Maintenance, Roadway, State Aid, Roadway, Bridge and Construction Divisions at ArDOT’s Headquarters attended the event, as did personnel from several Districts. Personnel from Scurlock Industries, Forterra Building Products […]

Two orders lead the American Concrete Pipe Association 2017 agenda: staff transition and message reinforcement. Ahead of the annual convention in March, the group announced that Russell Tripp, P.E., would succeed president Matt Childs, who moved to a management post at HawkeyePedershaab Concrete Technologies, one of the ACPA’s leading associate members. “Russell Tripp’s knowledge of […]

Spokane, Washington is completing a network of buried concrete combined sewer overflow (CSO) structures to store excess water during heavy rainstorms and rapid snowmelt, until the storm surge subsides and the water can be sent to the Riverside Park Water Reclamation Facility for treatment. The structures are included in Spokane’s Cleaner River Faster initiative that […]

APWA PWX 2017 was a great success for the concrete pipe industry, providing a valuable platform to raise awareness about the concrete pipe industry with public works professionals across North America. Producers (Forterra, Oldcastle, Rinker Materials and Thompson Pipe Group), and Associates (EJ, Hamilton Kent, Mar-Mac and Press-Seal) exhibited this year. Together, producers and associates […]

City of Astatula Proclamation Although Concrete Pipe Week is officially this week, some have gotten an early start to recognizing the importance of concrete pipe and its many manufacturers. Concrete Pipe Week is promoted each year by the American Concrete Pipe Association to showcase the significance concrete pipe has in reliable and long-lasting infrastructure. The […]

The annual Subcommittee on Construction meeting is taking place this week in Cincinnati, Ohio.  Total attendance is 230 people with representation from 43 state DOT’s, the District of Columbia, several FHWA and AASHTO personnel, AGC, various consulting firms, and industry representation from the concrete pipe and industry and the plastic industry.  The SOC meeting runs […]

University Region’s Lansing TSC was recognized at the Aug. 17 Operations Executive Staff meeting for receiving the American Concrete Pipe Association award for their quick and professional work in an emergency repair of two culverts on M-43 near Grand Ledge. Last summer, shoulder failure on M-43 prompted inspectors to investigate the condition of 70-year-old culverts […]

ACPA Staff and Members attended the Annual Subcommittee on Materials dinner in Phoenix AZ on August 8. ACPA was the sponsor of the event.

National Concrete Pipe Week was celebrated August 20 through 26. Arkansas concrete pipe producing companies celebrated by thanking those who make the industry successful with a visit to Governor Hutchinson’s office in the State Capitol. Public agencies and private companies met at Arkansas’ State Capitol to recognize the contributions of the concrete pipe industry to […]

Purpose: To recognize agencies which have demonstrated creative and innovative accomplishments through projects that have been designed utilizing precast concrete pipe or boxes. Promote public awareness of the activities and contributions of public agencies and the ACPA and its members. Eligibility: Any member agency of AASHTO may enter this Award Program. Agencies and ACPA members […]

ASTM pipe committees make an impact on water systems and safety By Cicely Enright Published in the July/August Issue of ASTM Standardization News While it’s not completely clear how much you need to drink each day (eight glasses is an easy but not necessarily final answer), most of us expect that we’ll have clean water […]