Receiving the Project Achievement Award on behalf of MDOT  and NCPI were: (L to R) Kathy Washabaugh, Jim Washabaugh (NPCI), Rebecca Curtis, P.E.  Deputy Chief Bridge Engineer (MDOT), Josh Beakley, P.E., (ACPA)









Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) called for the removal of the bridge over Goodings Creek on Caine Road, Tuscola County near Vassar and replacement with a precast concrete box culvert in April 2017. Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc. (NCPI) was consulted to supply box sections with a 24-foot span with many of the sections tapered on both faces. MDOT and NCPI were presented with the American Concrete Pipe Association’s 2018 Project Achievement Award at a ceremony during the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Bridges and Structures conference in Burlington Vermont during the Awards Luncheon on June 27.

Design Challenge
pawpicDuring the initial design phase, it was determined that the potential for erosion in the southeast quadrant of the culvert alignment would control the geometry of the proposed replacement structure. There was a history of the stream eroding the roadway fill where the river turned to parallel the roadway and then turn again to go through the existing bridge. Engineers at Great Lakes Engineering and NCPI designed a reverse curve/snake alignment that would skew a 24-foot span box culvert.

NCPI could take 5 degrees off the face of a box section. Given that an approximately 45-degree crossing was needed, 5 degrees at each end would not be enough. The engineer then drew box sections with 4-degree skews taken off both of the section faces. Moving the skew face to a joint would double the angle per joint allowing 8 degrees per joint. A 45-degree crossing could be achieved 8 degrees at a time and back.  A box culvert with a reverse curve of sections was laid out which intercepted the channel at the upstream end before the curve in the stream which was causing the erosion and provided an outlet in line with the existing bridge outlet, all within the 66-foot road right of way. The estimated project cost was reduced as compared to a three-sided culvert option and was within the funding authorized.

pawpic3The project design was completed with the reverse curve concept utilizing precast footings, headwalls and wingwalls. All precast box sections were installed in twelve hours within the awarded funding.





Project Team

Owner: Michigan Department of Transportation
Project Name: Caine Road over Goodings Creek Box Culvert
Project Engineer: Great Lakes Engineering, Lansing MI
Contractor: Marlette Excavating Company, Marlette MI
Supplier: Northern Concrete Pipe, Inc., Bay City, MI
County: Tuscola County Road Commission