Arcing power lines whipped by Santa Ana winds started the Witch Creek and Guejito wildfires on October 21, 2007. Within 16 hours, the Witch Creek Fire made its way to the San Diego City limits. It wasn’t long before the two fires merged.
More than 197,990 acres of San Diego County burned, including 9,250 acres within the City of San Diego and 365 residences in Rancho Bernardo. County-wide, 1141 residences were destroyed. The fires triggered the largest evacuation in county history.
The Rancho Bernardo Inn escaped serious damage from the Witch Creek fire. After taking in some 60 residents who were evacuated, the Inn itself had to evacuate on October 23. Management and staff of the Inn joined hundreds of other residents of Rancho Bernardo in assisting those who lost everything.
The concrete pipe industry is celebrating 110 years of achievement and sustained success. Concrete pipe is used by municipalities and state DOTs across America to build resilient drainage infrastructure – infrastructure that does not melt, burn, or wash away. What better place is there to celebrate more than a century of proven service than in a community that understands what it means to be resilient?
ACPA leadership will discuss plans to fight for expanding market share of concrete pipe, reviewing the new strategic plan, and our strategies for Washington, D.C. and the states.
We will hear from our guest speakers and the Committee Chairs will share everything they have been diligently working on the past year.
There will be plenty of time for fun beginning with golf on Sunday morning, a Sunday night Welcome Reception with a Putting & Chipping Contest and a Caddy Shack themed “dinner dance” on Tuesday night!
This is a main event where members recognize the achievements of their peers with presentations of the Frank J. Heger Award, Richard E. Barnes Award, and Chairman’s Safety Award. The Richard E. Barnes Award is the highest recognition of support and service to the industry presented to an individual for lifetime achievement.
Wind down the conference with fun at the final dinner at the Bernardo Ballroom with a contest for best dressed golfer. Dress to impress as one of your favorite Caddy Shack characters.
The dinner will feature a special evening including the Annual Foundation Auction.