Monthly Archives: January 2020

Proper installation of storm drain pipelines is a concern facing city engineers and inspectors across the United States. Whether pipes are rigid or flexible, a faulty installation can cost contractors as well as taxpayers time and expense. That’s why the American Concrete Pipe Association is partnering with cities, offering free pipe installation seminars for contractors […]

When a 114-year-old culvert collapsed below Washington Street near downtown Waukegan, Illinois, the result was a 45-foot deep sinkhole that required emergency repairs. The situation deteriorated after a rainstorm. Immediate repairs were essential to avoid rupturing a sanitary line that could end up flowing into Lake Michigan. Washington Street is a four-lane arterial street with […]

The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) is pleased to announce the ACPA Nominating Committee and Board of Directors have named Doug Dayton, P.E. as the new President of the ACPA. “Doug is a proven leader with a long history in the design and construction industry and the vision to steer ACPA in its mission to […]